Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Which is the better cock-a-doodle-doo?

Hi folks,

We've got a new poll! Today I was looking at some of those gay dating sites and one thing that sticks out is how the profiles list 'type of cock', cut or uncut! So I thought I'd ask the burning question: which is the preferred model? Mmmmm, please vote and let's see what's in demand ;)

The poll is at the usual place (on the left).


  1. the choice is rather hot and cold mainly due to lukewarm reasons.

  2. I see umepoa kabisa hata mastory yameisha?pole

  3. Hi NF,

    Blondes are cutely dumb....lol!xxx

    Hi SWV's

    But which do you prefer? xxx

    Hello Mama Shujaa,

    I'm doing research. I feel this question should have been on the census forms..ama? Lol! xxx


    It's a free world...xxx


Hey you, leave a comment but don't just be an asshole about it - try to be decent. That said you are welcome to heap abuse or ridicule if it makes you feel better. However in order to get published it must not be homophobic, racist or sexist. OK?