Monday, March 16, 2009

Poll: Should we decriminalize homosexuality in Kenya?

The law in Kenya criminalizes homosexual behaviour and attempted homosexual behaviour between men, which is referred to as "carnal knowledge against the order of nature". The penalty is 5 to 14 years' imprisonment. The age of consent is 16. Lesbian relations are not prohibited in the law.

So the questions I would like to ask are: Are you a gay Kenyan? What are your views. Or as a straight Kenyan do you think Kenya should continue to criminalize homosexuality? Take the poll and let’s see what people think.


  1. Although i am not Kenyan, or straight, i do agree that Homosexuality is not a crime.



  2. My President is half I get to vote...well, probably not, I won't push it but I VOTE FOR REPEALING the LAW and DECRIMINALIZING Homosexuality EVERYWHERE...afterall, think of all the superstious fear and hate that will immediately disappear (poof)...really, reality only takes a little getting used to and everyone will like it after a few bigots stop sputtering filth.

  3. Interesting poll and interesting question. I do know that the Kenya Human Rights Commission in collaboration with other human rights organisations including GALCK (the Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya) are taking up this matter.

    I've asked one of my close friends who's a human rights lawyer involved in this process to take a look at the poll and maybe this can add to their advocacy programe? Maybe I don't know.

    But as a gay Kenyan man, decriminalise it already! As it is no one implements this law- unless they place policemen in every gay man's and straight man's bedroom each night! (except yours Tamaku, for obvious reasons ;)

    Pointless law if you ask me. Reading it, who defines what 'acts against the order of nature' are? Is using a blow up doll unnatural? Is straight anal sex unnatural? For that matter, is any sex position listed in the Kama Sutra (save for missionary) unnatural?

  4. Hello everyone,

    I forgot to add that for the duration of this and future polls I won't be making comment on the poll post until the close - for ethical reasons.

    Thanks for taking part.

  5. Hi Tamaku,

    It's great you are doing this poll...been following your blog (and other blogs by gay Kenyans) and am actually very interested in doing a research on homosexuality in Kenya (from a human rights perspective). Will be interesting to see what other Kenyans think.

    My 2 cents on the matter: it's highly hypocritical to criminalise homosexuality between men, but not lesbianism. Am not gay, but I would say that the law should stay away from personal relations or actions which do not harm others. So, in short, decriminalise homosexuality!

  6. Hi Tamaku,

    It's great you are doing this poll...been following your blog (and other blogs by gay Kenyans) and am actually very interested in doing a research on homosexuality in Kenya (from a human rights perspective). Will be interesting to see what other Kenyans think.

    My 2 cents on the matter: it's highly hypocritical to criminalise homosexuality between men, but not lesbianism. Am not gay, but I would say that the law should stay away from personal relations or actions which do not harm others. So, in short, decriminalise homosexuality!

  7. Yeah!! my vote? okay for starters they can never or should never arrest a gay guy in Kenya ever. I think you are supposed to be caught on the act, right on the act doing adult moments with another guy, so chances of being caught is minimal... And they can't arrest me for being gay!That annoying thing should be scraped out of the constitution. What we need is interrelations and interdependence. Too much??!! (I know)

  8. I don't think we should decriminalize it, that would just be sending a message that it is okay to engage in such activities. Should we also decriminalize pedophilia and bestiality? I think not!

  9. Decriminalize it already. What happens between two adults behind closed doors(with consent of course) is no ones business.

  10. Tamaku..You have now gone and done it and within no time...trolls like Kenya Luv will come here and start hating.

    This anti-sodomy law is a remnant of our colonial days(Ironically..its was repealed in England). The fact that this law is impractical coz essentially it is impossible to police, it is also a stupid law.

    Get rid of it already.

  11. Hi, i am a british Lesbian and am due to marry my girlfriend in august, we are coming to Kenya and Zanzibar for our honeymoon, do you think we will be in any danger?...
    As for your poll i think it should be decriminalized, people should be able to love who they want to love as long as they're not harming anyone in the process.

  12. Hey Anon,

    Congratulations on your upcoming Civil Partnership! The good news is the law does not mention lesbian relationships so you should be ok. However there is ignorance around the subject so just play it sensible incase you rub the locals the wrong way, but you shouldn't have any bother. You'll have a fabulous time! x xx

  13. Jambo, it's annon again Hayley, the law actually states that Zanzibar is the only country that has lesbianism is illegal, so we are now cancelling that part of our honeymoon unfortunately. We are looking at Kenya or possibly Mombasa now, so are there any african's that can help us with the views on lesbian's in these place, i know you can't talk for the whole of your country but we needsome help, we dont want to give up on our dream honeymoon. sorry to jump in your poll but i dont know anyone else that can help us. If you reply to me can u say if your african, Thank you so muc for any help.

  14. Hi Hayley,

    Yes, I'm very much African (black)! I can assure you it's highly unlikely for you to have any problems in Kenya as lesbians as long as you play it sensible with locals but if you like I'll do a post and ask lesbians here to help you out? Let me know. Take care. xxxx x

  15. Hiya Tamaku, thank you for talking to me it is a great help, we are now doing a week safari in keya and then going to mombasa to the baobab beach resort, my aunty lived in africa for a while and she said we shouldnt have any problems.
    maybe we could swap email adress's so we can stay in contact n aybe you could teach me some swahili, Thank you so much for your help, we really appreciate it x

  16. Hi Hayley,

    You're most welcome. My email is on this page under 'about me'. You can contact me, not sure about my swahili - it's more a blend of english and swahili (we call it 'sheng'). Take care.
    xxxx xx

  17. Hi Ziggy,

    I don't have the time to respond to reasoning that falls short on so many basic fronts (pls read again what you wrote here) - I'd have to give up my day job if that were the case. I wish you well. xxx

  18. ...
    Hi Tamaku, I would like to congratulate you on your blog. You have interesting and controversial topics that people need to have dialogs about. Well then, My opinion on this poll is that Homosexuality should be decriminalized in Kenya... and the rest of the world for that matter.I consider myself at this stage of my life a "coming out lesbian"...and I do not see anything "perverse" or "unnatural" about my sexuality as mr ziggy is so indoctrinated to believe.

    question...with a planet so clearly over populated... is our purpose for having sexual anatomies still only to "reproduce"..."procreate"?

    you can see how that argument needs to really be laid to rest... Tamaku, i would say that Mr. ziggy's lil spew there is really what verbal diarrhea is!

    and to the idiot who is comparing pedophilia and bestiality to homosexuality... notice how the first two are not grown adults and cannot give consent... geez people need to double check on their beliefs and question them, because clearly these are sad cases of..."that's what i grew up being taught"

    now back to the poll... decriminalize homosexuality now!

  19. Hello Ruth,

    Many people haven't bothered to interrogate what it is they last heard at Sunday school; perhaps they don't possess the moral capacity to?

    PS, thanks for stopping by and for your support too.

  20. I believe sex and love (any type of it) comes naturally...Love is not about "Who You Love" but "if You Love"....this is nature hence cannot be dictated or reversed.
    If thats the only way some pple find happiness and satisfaction,let them be.We have many pressing problems and calamities facing kenya and needs much attention than what two adults are doing behind closed doors!.....

  21. Hi josscie,

    you got it right on the nail xxx


Hey you, leave a comment but don't just be an asshole about it - try to be decent. That said you are welcome to heap abuse or ridicule if it makes you feel better. However in order to get published it must not be homophobic, racist or sexist. OK?